— Mar. 13 2015: Why linguists are needed by George Lakoff — webcast available

Webcast available of presentation by George Lakoff on Friday March 13 2015 “Why linguists are needed: The severe limitations of big data analysis of linguistic corpora” arguing that “big data statistical methods by themselves were hopeless” in a multi-million dollar project on analyzing the conceptual metaphors in a vast corpus of US intelligence documents. George READ MORE

— NLP analysis of “The art of the Humanities – Graduation day 2014”

Introduction For every master student, there is one thing standing in between them and the end of their student life: “the thesis”. For months, or even years, a student tries to analyse a certain topic in the best way possible. And after this long and difficult journey, the student receives his reward at his graduation: READ MORE

— Open Source Dutch WordNet @CLIN 2015

At CLIN 2015, we presented Open Source Dutch Wordnet: (odwn_clin_2015) The project website can be found at: project website. Open Source Dutch WordNet is an open source version of Cornetto (Vossen et al., 2013). Cornetto is currently not distributed as open source, because a large portion of the database originates from the commercial publisher Van READ MORE

— Similarity, co-occurrence, functional relation, part-whole relation, subcategorization, what else?

In word sense disambiguation and named-entity disambiguation, an important assumption is that a document consists of related concepts and entities. There are millions of concepts and entities, what makes some related but not others? This question is difficult and I don’t have the definitive answer. But it is a good start to list some classes READ MORE

— SensEval/Semeval output from participant systems (WSD)

If you are interested in having the individual output at token level for all the participant systems in the last SensEval/SemEval WSD tasks, we can find then now in a simple and homogeneous XML format, easy to process. You will find more information in our results section or in https://github.com/rubenIzquierdo/sval_systems READ MORE

— DBPEDIA spotlight for KAF/NAF

If you are interested in extracting entities and their link to dbpedia entries, you should take a look to this module: https://github.com/rubenIzquierdo/dbpedia_ner It allows you to use a KAF or a NAF file with jus tokens and terms, calls to the DBPEDIA online webservice and extract entities and the link to dbpedia automatically. Given this portion of READ MORE