— VU University scientists cluster National Research Agenda

Led by Piek Vossen, a group of scientists at VU University automatically divided 11,700 questions from NWO’s National Research Agenda into clusters. On the basis of language technology and mathematical equations of the most important words, slightly over 60 clusters of questions were found which at their turn were classified in a few hundred sub-clusters. Important themes are health and energy, but also big data, art, and sports. NWO is happy with this analysis. The VU Topic Browser allows NWO to quickly and efficiently process the large number of responses.

National Science Agenda VU Topic BrowserVU Topic Browser shows 60 clusters and a few hundred sub-groups found in 11,700 questions from NWO’s National Research Agenda.

Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO): Dutch Science Agenda
Scientists determine the Dutch Science Agenda together with companies, civil society organisations and interested citizens. The agenda consolidates the themes that science will focus on in the coming years. What are the favourable opportunities for Dutch science and how can science contribute to finding solutions for societal challenges and making the most of economic opportunities?

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